Josh Wilson

Josh was born in Midwest region of the U.S. and developed a passion for travel and photography from a young age through his many family road trips around the states. His parents were both adventourous and wanted to take him to as many new places as possible. 

Throughout these trips, he would always have a camera in hand. That is why his photography is meant to invoke a nostalgia for travel and adventure to inspire people to get out and see more of the world. 


Although St. Louis will always be home, Josh has lived in a variety of other cities, including some time abroad as an expat in London, and he currently resides in San Diego. He has also travelled extensively through Europe, and his various travels have inspired the elegant coastal nature of his work.Josh founded his photography business in 2021 and has since grown a deep passion for documenting coastal towns throughout the U.S. and Europe. Over the years he has photographed a growing list of popular destinations across the globe including Italy, Greece, and Australia in addition to the U.S.