Olivier Messas
Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid, 2023Acrylic, Bronze Without StandLength: 30cm, Height: 36cm, Depth: 5cm$ 3,680.00Olivier Messas, Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid, 2023SoldOlivier Messas, Petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid, 2023Sold%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22artist%22%3EOlivier%20Messas%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22title_and_year%22%3E%3Cspan%20class%3D%22title_and_year_title%22%3EPetit%20%C3%A0%20petit%2C%20l%27oiseau%20fait%20son%20nid%3C/span%3E%2C%20%3Cspan%20class%3D%22title_and_year_year%22%3E2023%3C/span%3E%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22medium%22%3EAcrylic%2C%20Bronze%20Without%20Stand%3C/div%3E%3Cdiv%20class%3D%22dimensions%22%3ELength%3A%2030cm%2C%20Height%3A%2036cm%2C%20Depth%3A%205cm%3C/div%3ECurrency:Further images
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